Load External Schema

Currently, biothings_schema pyton package can handle 3 types of input:

  1. A JSON document represented as a python dict
  2. A URL to the JSON/YAML document
  3. A file path to the JSON/YAML document

Use Python Dictionary as Input

biothings_schema python package accepts a JSON document as its input

In [1]: from biothings_schema import Schema

In [2]: schema = {
            "@context": {
                "bts": "http://schema.biothings.io/",
                "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
                "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
                "schema": "http://schema.org/",
                "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
            "@graph": [
                    "@id": "bts:BiologicalEntity",
                    "@type": "rdfs:Class",
                    "rdfs:comment": "biological entity",
                    "rdfs:label": "BiologicalEntity",
                    "rdfs:subClassOf": {
                        "@id": "schema:Thing"
                    "schema:isPartOf": {
                        "@id": "http://schema.biothings.io"
                    "@id": "bts:affectsAbundanceOf",
                    "@type": "rdf:Property",
                    "rdfs:comment": "affects abundance of",
                    "rdfs:label": "affectsAbundanceOf",
                    "schema:domainIncludes": {
                        "@id": "bts:BiologicalEntity"
                    "schema:isPartOf": {
                        "@id": "http://schema.biothings.io"
                    "schema:rangeIncludes": {
                        "@id": "bts:BiologicalEntity"
            "@id": "http://schema.biothings.io/#0.1"
In [3]: se = Schema(schema=schema)

Use URL as Input

biothings_schema python package also accepts URL as its input. The data loaded from the URL must be either a JSON document or a YAML document.

In [1]: schema_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/data2health/schemas/biothings/biothings/biothings_curie_kevin.jsonld'

In [2]: se = Schema(schema=schema_url)

Use Local File Path as Input

biothings_schema python package also accepts local file path as its input. The data loaded from the local file path must be either a JSON document or a YAML document.

In [1]: schema_path = '../data/schema.jsonld'

In [2]: se = Schema(schema=schema_path)